- President, Panyapiwat Institute of Management (PIM)
- Advisor to the Thai Chamber of Commerce, The Industial Federation of Thailand,
The Department of Trade Negotiations, etc.
Knowing PIM President

Associate Professor Dr.Sompop Manarungsan
Present Positions
- Ph.D. in Development Economics, Groningen University,
The Netherlands, 1989 - M.A. in Agricultural and Rural Development, Institute of Social Studies,
The Hague, The Netherlands, 1982 - M.A. in Economics, (English Language Program), Thammasat University, 1978
- B.A. in Economics, Thammasat University, 1975
Work Experience
- 2013-Present Executive Member of National Research Council of Thailand
(Economics and Business Administration). - 2007-2008 Member of Executive Board of Directors, Board of Investment (BOI),
Ministry of Industry. - 1998-2002 Member of Committee for the Discloser of Public Information on Economic and Finance,
(Appointed by the Prime Minister under the Cabinet Approval). - 1995-2008 Executive Member of the Board of the Institute of Asian Studies,
Chulalongkorn University. - 1993-1995 Member of Committee for Alleviation of farmer’ Debt Problems
Chaired by the Minister of Finance (Appointed by the Prime minister). - 1992-1996 Member of Committee for Evaluation of the Farmer Assistant Project,
National Budget Bureau. - 1985 Member of Committee for Preparing the AgriculturalLand Reform Plan (1987-1991),
Agricultural Land Reform Office, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. - 1980-2000 Member of the Editorial Board Journal of Political Economy,
Chulalongkorn University. - 1980 Chairman of lecturer Council, Faculty of Economics,
Chulalongkorn University - 1979-1996 Member of Social Science Association of Thailand.
- 1979-1981 Secretary of The Nation’s panel of Economists,
The National Review Daily Newspaper. - 1979-1980 Editor of Economic Review Journal, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University
- 1974 Member of Thammasat Economic Association
- 1973 (and 2013-14) Member of Executive Thammasat Economics Association.
Visiting Lecturer:
- 2013 Advisor and Commentator of Report Writing The Training course
organized for the High Ranking officials, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. - 2002-Present Lecturer to the Training Courses of “The Institute of Juridical Affairs”.
- 2002-Present The National Defense College
- 2002-Present Lecturer to the Training Courses Organized for the Thai Food Processors by the Food Institute.
- 1997-Present King Prachatipok Institute
- 1993-Present The Thai Police College
- 1992-Present The Thai Army College, The Thai Army.
- 1992-Present Training Courses Organized for the High Ranking Officials,
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Public health, Ministry of Interiors, Ministry of Finance,
Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Education,
Ministry of Tourism and Sports, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Science and Technology,
Ministry of Energy, etc. - 1990-Present The Institute of Banking and Financing, The Thai Commercial Bank Association.
- 1988 The Royal Tropical institute, Amsterdam.
- 1982 Samaki Samako, London, U.K.
- 1981-Present Granduate Schools, Thammasat University, Mahidol University,
Khonkaen University, Ramkhamhaeng University, Chulalongkorn University, etc.
Past Positions:
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University (1978-2010)
- Director, Chinese Studies Center, Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University (1997-2008)
Research Associate and Visiting Lecturer in Foreign Countries
- 2008 Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
- 2001 The Center for southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
- 1994-1996 Faculty of Economics, Saitama University, Japan, Kyoto, Japan
- 1992 The Hitachi Scholarship Foundation, Tokyo, Japan
- 1990 The Japan Society for the Promotion of science (JSPS), Tokyo, Japan
- 1986-1987 The International Center, Hosei university, Japan
Academic Reward:
- Senior Research Scholar, Thailand Research Fund
Contributions to the Public Affairs:
Frequent Interviewee to the Domestic and International medias, i.e.;
- Thailand : The Bangkok Post, The Nation, etc.
- UK : BBC, The Financial Times, The Economist Intelligence Unit, Reauters, A.P.
- USA : Voice of America, The Washington Post, Dow jones, The Wall Street Journal,
Times Magazine, CNN, Bloomberg, etc. - Germany : Deutsche Presses Agentur
- France : AFP
- Japan : The Yomiuri Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun, Munichi, NHK TVm TBS TV, Kyodo News, The Nikkei, etc.
- China : The People Daily, Guangming Daily, China Radio International, Peking Radio, Xinhua News, etc.
- Singapore : The Strait Times, Channel News Asia, Singapore International Radio.
- Hong Kong : Far Eastern Economic Review, South China Morning Post, Asian Wall Street Journal, etc.
- Malaysia : The New Strait Times
- Australia : Australian International Radio, ABC TV, etc.